I stayed up after everyone went to bed to watch the storm. At midnight, it was time for us to hunker down. Ethan and Ella were so confused when we whisked in the room and carried them down to the hall closet. Ethan stayed semi asleep for a little bit in my lap. Ella was ready to play. Who knew a coat closet could be much fun? I took the pictures above with my camera phone trying to keep them entertained. We stayed in the closet for about 30 minutes until we got the all clear from the weather people. Thank goodness we had no damage.
On Saturday Eric celebrated his 30th brithday. Finally he can't hold my age over my head! To celebrate, we had Nana, Papa, Amy, Jamie, Houston, Elizabeth, Madeline, Mimi and Papa over for dinner. We had some wonderful ribs that Eric grilled and topped it off with some of Nana's famous ice cream dessert.