Ella is the master of finger foods. It took no time at all for her to learn then "pincher grip" so she could eat her puffs. On Saturday we decided to try scrambled eggs (yolks only due to
allergies to whites) and pancakes. Eggs went over like a lead balloon (see to the right) but the pancakes were a hit! Another new food we tried was Yobaby (baby yogurt). I believe they would both eat that all day and night if I let them. Shhh.....I tried it and it ain't half bad! Ella isn't crawling yet, but she is definitely more mobile. She is rolling around quite a bit. She will get up on her arms, but poor thing, she pushes herself backwards! I guess she will do it when she is gosh darn ready! Although she hasn't been very mobile, I swear she is the most active girl ever. She loves to kick her legs and clap her hands. She can jump in the jumperoo for 30 minutes solid smiling and laughing the whole time. I have tried to get her on video doing it, but she gets shy everytime the camera comes out. It is my mission though to get her precious giggle on video this week though! I feel bad because all my videos are mostly of the ham - Ethan!

Speaking of Ethan.....he is particularly wearing me out. He isn't 100% crawling yet, but he can sure get around. He does a combination rock, roll, lunge, crawl. It is very effective! He loves to crawl to anything that is forbidin. The coffee table, Major's room, Major's chew toy, the mini-fridge, the rocking c
hair, remote control, you name it. If it is off limits, he is there in a second. We got a big play yard a couple of months back. I think that we may just spend the next few months in it. Ethan is thoroughly enjoying trying out new foods too. He is struggling a little bit more with the finger foods, but he is getting it. I guess I didn't think it would be too hard. I mean they put everything in their mouth, so why would food be so hard??? He is still using his whole fist to feed himself. Sometimes he used both and just shovels it in. Hey - whatever works! He has got the chewing down...keeping the food in his mouth while he chews.....not so much. Everyday we get a little better. Last night we tried Mac N Cheese and it was a HIT!!! I think he would have eaten the whole box! The video below was taken of him after the Mac N Cheese was all gone. He just randomly started shaking his fists and yelling then laughing. He did this for 5 minutes before I got off the floor from laughing and got the camera. Ella was just staring at him like "You are one weird dude." I agree Ella. I agree.

I am doing pretty good despite my running around. In fact, last week I decided it was time to get in shape. I decided that I couldn't quite use the excuse that I just had twins since I am already thinking about their first birthday. And bedrest can't be an excuse because I have been off bedrest for three times the amount I was on it. Tired? The babies sleep 11 hours at night and nap about 4 during the day so scratch that. So now it is time to Get in Shape
Girl. (You were a little girl in the 80s if the song for "Get in Shape Girl" ran through your head:) I laced up my tennis shoes, synced my iPOD and dusted off the old treadmill. I am not going to run a marathon or anything. I already have enough t shirts and I am not particularly fond of sweating. But I would be happy if I can just run a mile without dropping. So we will see how that goes. I had a great weekend. My best friend, Jodi, came down from NY for our friend Kerri's engagement party. We had a great time catching up and celebrating. Afterwards we went to a couple of Honkytonks downtown. It was fun to kick loose for a little while. The picture to the right is Jodi, Christy, and me.

Eric has been busy too. He was at the festivities this weekend too, but wouldn't pose for a picture. He left early Sunday morning to go to Chicago for an accounting conference. Too fun, huh? He made the most of it though. He stayed with a good friend, Ty, that is in law school there. They went to see the Cubbies on Sunday and had a great time. He had seats 3 rows up from the field. He has eaten at some pretty neat restaurants while he was there. He ate at Twin Anchors, some famous steak restaurant my dad recommended, and he is enjoying deep dish pizza as I type. So I imagine he has made the best of an accounting conference! He comes home late tonight and we can't wait. Eric is the top of the babies list. Then comes Majors. Then Mama. No Respect. : )