After we had a hearty pancake breakfast, we began to suit up to go play. Aunt Amy had saved her kids' snowsuits, so we were all set. They looked hilarious when we held them up to Ethan and Ella. Although they were 12 and 18 month sizes, they were HUGE! We were able to fold up the legs several inches and they worked well. And do you know my smart little boy went right up to his suit and pointed and the belt and said "Buckle" clear as day? Proud mommy : )
We were only out for about 15 minutes, but it was fun. They weren't really too sure what to think of it at first. They walked real cautious down the sidewalk. Ella barrelled right into the snow, took 2 steps, fell, then cried. Ethan had to be picked up and placed into the snow. They were much happier when Eric and I just carried them around. It was a lot of fun. Now we are ready for SPRING!!
I want to see the picture of you with the twins in the snow!
Ah thanks! It feels good to be loved : )
Ethan and Ella are so cute! We live in Clarksville and were SO excited about the snow! However, I'm glad it's gone now! LOL
Hey Steph, Eric, Ethan, Ella, Majors!!!!
I am soooooo happy for you guys!!! We do need to get together when I am out of school this semester.
We love you all(including 1 on the way)!!
Just don't move too far away!!! We need you and miss you!!!
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