Friday, May 29, 2009

Zoo School

For the last couple of months Ethan and Ella have spent every Wednesday morning taking a class at the Nashville Zoo called "Zoo Twos." They thoroughly enjoyed it and asked every morning when I got them up if they were going to Zoo School today.

It was really a neat program. At the beginning all the kids would sit in a semi circle on their carpet squares and listen to the days lesson from Ms. Julie. She would ask lots of questions and the kids would yell out the answers. It was neat to watch Ethan and Ella get braver and braver through the class about answering the questions. After the lesson, they would get a chance to meet 2 different animals. We met lots of neat ones - a boa, a turtle, a sloth, and Ethan's favorite - a Macaw!! Ethan about came unglued when the Macaw came out. They would hold out one finger and pet each of them. Much to my delight, Ms. Julie's assitant followed right behind with Purell :) After they met animals, they would have a craft. Usually it was Mommy racing to finish 2 crafts while they colored on the butcher paper covering the table. Then they would go back to their carpet squares for a story and snack of animal cookies. They ended the class holding hands and sining their zoo song. They loved it and would sing it all the way home.

I am so glad we got a chance to participate in this. We may even sign up for the next one in the Fall!

1 comment:

Amy said...

How much fun!!! I cannot believe how big they are at "school"!