As you can see from the late date of my post, it has taken us a bit to recover from the Greer family Christmas and New Year! We celebrated Christmas for about a week solid. I am sure Ethan and Ella are wondering why they aren't opening presents every day anymore!

We spent the first part of Christmas in Paris with Nana and Papa. We drove there on Friday and Eric's Amy and her crew joined us on Saturday. We had all the crazy cousins together. They had so much fun playing together at Nana and Papa's. Christmas Eve we all went home so we could celebrate our first offical Christmas at home.

Santa found his way to our house and didn't even leave a lump of coal in any of our stockings. After celebrating Christmas with Eric's family and mine, I don't think there is a single toy that our kids don't have! My Amy and her crew came the day after Christmas and stayed for a few days. It was so good to see them. Unfortunately, Ella and I both got a stomach flu and couldn't spend as much time with them as we had hoped.

New Year's came even though we were in bed by 10. I made resolutions to get more organized, get in shape, and start having a quiet time each day. I have kept the first one and am st

ill working on the third. I decided to put the second on hold until March 1st. No hurry. I can still fit into my britches and don't have to worry about swimsuits for a while yet. One of 3 ain't bad, right? Oh yeah - one more resolution - - - be more diligent about blogging once a week : )
Hi - just a reminder that you have one day until its been longer than a weeks since you posted... :D
Em - I just said once a week, so I am good until Saturday ; ) But I am working on it now.....
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